The Interior Design Nook Blog

Welcome to the Interior Design Nook blog. I love writing about interiors as much as I love designing them! Here, you can read about all things colour, neurodiversity, and how to create an authentic, personalised and practical home. I always aim to give you a fresh insight and tips beyond the standard interiors advice you’ll find elsewhere, so dive in and enjoy!


In Defence of North Facing Rooms
Minnie Claridge Minnie Claridge

In Defence of North Facing Rooms

If you’ve ever read any advice on choosing paint colours, no doubt you’ve come across the idea of warm colours and cool colours, as well as warm or cool light. As a rule of thumb in the northern hemisphere, rooms with south-facing windows receive a warm (yellowy) light which shifts as the sun moves across the sky, creating strong contrast between sunny and shadowed parts of the room. Rooms with north-facing windows have a consistent cool (blue) light throughout the day. Rooms with east-facing windows receive warm light in the morning and cool light the rest of the day, whilst…

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