The Interior Design Nook Blog
Welcome to the Interior Design Nook blog. I love writing about interiors as much as I love designing them! Here, you can read about all things colour, neurodiversity, and how to create an authentic, personalised and practical home. I always aim to give you a fresh insight and tips beyond the standard interiors advice you’ll find elsewhere, so dive in and enjoy!

Sensory positive home: VIsual considerations
This week we are looking at the visual impact of your decor. There is a bell-curve of comfortable sensory input, with the neurotypical population sitting in the middle. Neurodivergent people are more likely to be on the extreme ends of this scale – either under-responsive (sensory seeking) or over-responsive (sensory avoidant) to sensory input. At one end of the scale we have visual complexity: this is a busy interior, lots of things to look at, lots of visual stimulation, maximalist, rich or vibrant. At the other end of the scale we have visual simplicity: this is a sparse interior, fewer things…

Sensory positive home: Olfactory considerations (smells!)
This week we are looking at aroma. Aromas can overtly or subliminally affect mood and emotion, but is smell really an interior design consideration? Well yes, and it’s not just about smelly candles and scent profiles! In my experience the sensory issues relating to odours in the home are things like cooking smells, cleaning products and – ahem – pongy toilets! So if you’re renovating, now is your chance to design those issues out of your life! For kitchen odours, ensure you plan for good ventilation for your hob and that the extraction is external. I’ve just installed a downdraft extractor in…

Sensory positive home: Auditory considerations
This week we are looking at auditory considerations - the links between the sounds in your home and your wellbeing. Whilst I can’t stop your kids from stampeding around shouting, I can suggest ways to make it grate less! The textures in your home are actually responsible for the way it sounds! The more textile elements you can bring into your home, the more dampened the sound will be. A wall of glass (i.e. bifold doors) might bring you closer to nature with a view of the garden, but it makes for a noisier space. Crittall or Victorian style mullions…